Why Purchase from Got Baja Insurance?
It's Secure
Secure, quick and easy online purchasing
We've been offering Mexico tourist auto coverage since 1989
Flexible Terms
We have flexible policy terms, from one day to a year
Coverage Options
We'll quote you six coverage options from A+ rated companies
Coverage Quickly
Get great coverage in a few minutes
Print or Download Your Policy
Print or download policy to your phone or tablet immediately
If You Have An Accident or Claim
Your vehicle can be repaired in the U.S. or Canada, settled in U.S. Dollars
Your coverage allows for higher hourly rate for repairs
You will have a U.S. Toll free number for claims service once you're back in the U.S.
Legal Aid and Bail Bond Included
Roadside Assistance Included
Medical Evacuation and Travel Assistance available with MexVisit
Land and air ambulance coverage available
Trip continuation coverage available

We've Got You Covered
- Cars, SUV’s , Trucks and Vans
- Motorcycles
- ATV’s
- Motorhomes
- Mexico Watercraft Policies
- Mexico Homeowners Policies
- Travel Medevac Policies
Errors & Omissions
Like all reputable agents, we carry a large Errors and Omissions policy. Many agents located near the border do not carry E & O. This protects you in the event of a coverage dispute.
Got Questions?
We will be happy to respond to any questions you have.
Fill out the form below and an agent will contact you.